Sunday, June 2, 2013

30 Days of Beauty-Day 2: Sunshine

Today was a beautiful, sunny day!  This may not mean much to you, but if you live in Minnesota, you will understand why this has made my list of beauty.

We have had such a terrible spring.  Snow, cold days, and many consecutive days of clouds have plagued us in the month of May. The weather is always a topic of conversation for us, anyway.  However, the cold and lack of sunshine has consumed our daily lives.  It has been a common subject on Facebook, in our family, and even with strangers we encountered in our daily lives.

Throughout May, we have had so many consecutive days that have been cloudy while appearing to constantly threaten rain.  Unfortunately, most of those days just remained dark and gloomy while never producing any drops.  In fact, it got to where everyone was hoping for thunderstorms and downpours instead of the feeling of being trapped in the never-ending grayness.  So, finally seeing  the sun shining was my beauty today.

Sunshine is amazing!  It brightens our world.  The colors of the flowers are more vivid.

We gravitate to the windows to bask in the light or find excuses to be outside.  We have more energy and are suddenly in a better mood.

 I particularly enjoyed the sunshine on my granddaughter's red hair.   It was a great day filled with the beauty of sunshine. I hope you had sunshine where you were and also had a lovely day.

Have you found your joy today?

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