Because of recent events, I have been thinking a lot about healing. I think that we have all been impacted in different ways by the Marathon Bombing-certainly the citizens of Boston and members of the running community have felt pain at this tragedy . My family has been dealing with a recent death of a parent. As I watched the unfolding of events on television and experienced the last few days leading up to the funeral, I started noticing the ways people cope and heal in times of stress.
The news reports have been very interesting to watch. What strikes me as a major effort of healing is the strong sense of community that has unfolded. I was particularly touched by the images of Bostonians in the streets after the final bomber was caught. You could see that being with others as they celebrated and thanked law enforcement members was an important part of their healing. Being a part of a community is a very important part of healing for many of us. Our community of friends has been such a support to my husband and me. They have reached out to us through Facebook, texts, and email to provide comfort and love. Just having this connection and knowing that they are there has meant so much to us. We are truly fortunate to be surrounded by their love and care.
Family is also crucial to healing. It doesn't matter what type of crisis you are facing-death, illness, financial distress. For most of us, having our family around is a critical part of acceptance and healing. In the past few days as we have been celebrating the life of my mother-in-law, we have been comforted by the love and caring of family. It has been particularly fun to see the inter-generational interactions as we navigate these difficult times. Each day we connect for family meals where we catch up on each other's lives and share the love that we often forget to show during our busy day-to-day lives. While I always knew that family was important, I am further convinced that these genetic and marital connections are integral to our healing in emotional times of loss.

When we left Minnesota to travel to Arkansas for the funeral, it was raining, but a foot of snow fell after we left. All Minnesotans have been suffering from the prolonged winter, and this was a devastating blow. Everyone is experiencing extreme cabin fever and depression as they long for spring. However, since we have been in Arkansas, we have had sunny days and temperatures in the 60's. We have had many occasions when we have sat outside soaking up the sun or hiked through the woods looking for a geocache, and it has occurred to me that nature is very healing. The beauty of the flowering trees, the warmth of the sun of your face, the sight of green grass, and the smell of growing things has a way of feeding your soul and healing your pain. It is probably no surprise that I find great joy in the spring growth that surrounds us.
Whatever you may be dealing with in your daily life, I hope that you remember that there are many different ways to heal. Each of us must find our own path to healing and must accept our different needs during difficult times. Joy, love, and acceptance will take us a long way.
Have you found your joy today?