Have you noticed that Facebook is filled with moans and groans about Mondays? It is very rare for a Monday to pass without a reference to how difficult Mondays are. I know that I contributed my share of comments on Facebook when I was particularly stressed about Mondays, because I used to feel the same when I was working. I hated Mondays! As someone whose natural body rhythm makes me LOVE late nights and HATE early morning, I always stayed up too late on Sunday nights to try to eke out every last minute of my weekend. The result was that I was so-o-o tired on Monday mornings. At times, I felt like I needed an IV of coffee to jump-start my day. What made it even worse was the fact that I always had an afternoon full of meetings every single Monday. It was torture! I felt like I could handle the rest of the week with ease if I could Just. Get. Through. Monday.
Now that I'm retired, I have done a 180 on Mondays. I LOVE Mondays! There are many reasons for this change of view.
- The most obvious is one that work-at-home moms have known for years. Everyone goes back to work/school, and it is so quiet! As much as I love my family, I relish the "me time" that faces me every Monday. My time is my own on Mondays, and I've given myself permission to be lazy that day if I want. Sometimes I need the day to recover from the hectic events of the weekend. I read books and the newspaper, listen to my music, catch up on TV shows that I missed, watch the birds at the feeder, drink my coffee in peace...whatever I want to do!
- I also have a sense of optimism on Mondays! While I have things that I need to accomplish during the week, I have four other days to get them done. Anything I finish on Monday gives me a great sense of accomplishment because it's something I wanted to do-not something I HAD to do. Anything I didn't get done: no problem! I have 4 other days to get them done before the weekend is here.
- I make a point of not setting appointments or scheduling anything on Mondays. There is something psychologically satisfying about knowing that you don't have a schedule to follow for at least one day every week. Doctor appointments can occur on a different day of the week. Social engagements, such as lunches with friends which I thoroughly enjoy, can happen another day. This is my unscheduled day to experience as it unfolds.