Friday, May 31, 2013

I'm Back

I knew that it had been a while since I last posted, but I didn't realize that it had been 6 weeks!  Oh, well.  There goes my New Year's Resolution...  I had resolved to write once a week and had done a pretty good job of it until mid-April.  As many of you know, my son and his family moved in with us the end of that month.  We were in a flurry of preparations, moving, and nesting for the 6 weeks I haven't written.  Everything has gone well, and we are a bit more settled. It is time to write again!

Last June, I set a task for myself to write each day of the month: 30 Days of Joy!  It was fun, interesting, and challenging to write each day.  Since I have missed 6 weeks of posting, I have decided to try 30 days of writing again.  This year I am going to write 30 Days of Beauty.

This blog is about finding joy in your life everyday.  I have learned to look around me for things of beauty since they are often overlooked, unappreciated and can so easily provide joy.  Therefore, this is not going to be about beauty secrets or super models.  These 30 Days of Beauty will be about the things and people around me who are beautiful.  I think that this will be an interesting writing exercise.  I hope that you check in each day to experience this journey with me.  It may open your eyes to finding joy in the beauty around you!

Have you found your joy today?