“Reading usually precedes writing and the impulse to write is almost always fired by reading. Reading, the love of reading, is what makes you dream of becoming a writer.”
— Susan Sontag
It is probably no surprise that I have been thinking about the experience of writing lately. In May, I set a goal of writing for 30 days in June. I wasn't sure that I would be able to do it but was convinced that I should try. I am very pleased that I was able to meet my goal, but even more, I am happy that I rediscovered a love of writing and with it my joy of reading.
I have always loved reading and words. I will read almost anything. Since I retired a year ago, I have read about 100 books. I have always had a great appreciation for writers and their ability to create the written word that draws me into their story, and I always wondered how they could be disciplined enough to write every day. I now understand: just make a commitment to write every day and start writing. At first, it was difficult to do this. However, each day was easier than the day before. I discovered that it was actually fun!

I am currently reading 2 different books on my Kindle. I am reading The Magician by Michael Scott which is the second book from The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series. The books in this series are such that I can pick them up when I am in the mood to read them. While they aren't the type of books that I can't put down, they are interesting to read. I like that they take place in different cities in the world, include forms of magic, and have characters that are relatable. So, this series is my go-to whenever I am waiting for something new to read.

Reading and writing have such a symbiotic relationship which is probably why I love good writing. You may want to try reading the books I mentioned, or there are some recent blogs that were wonderfully written that you might enjoy.
- Teaching an Old Story New Tricks: Media Influences on Birthright - A guest blogger writes about the major media influences in his new cross-genre novel, Birthright. It is fascinating to get into his head as he reveals these influences.
- Book Review: Voices from Chernobyl - A beautifully written review of a book which tells the human side of what happened during this tragic event.
Whether it's writing or reading that bring you joy or another activity, I hope that you can find a moment for yourself.
Have you found your joy today?
This is a beautiful blog! Loved the 30 days of June Joy!